tarot card: wheel of fortune

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is a card in the Tarot deck that represents cycles, destiny, change, and the ever-turning wheel of life. Here's a detailed breakdown of its meaning:


  • Cycles and Change: The Wheel of Fortune signifies the cyclical nature of life and the inevitability of change. It reminds you that life is full of ups and downs, and both good and bad times are part of the natural order
  • Destiny and Fate: This card often suggests that certain events or situations are fated or destined to occur. It encourages you to accept the hand that fate has dealt and make the most of the opportunities and challenges that arise
  • Karma and Consequences: The Wheel of Fortune is associated with the concept of karma, suggesting that your actions have consequences. It encourages you to act with integrity and make choices that align with your values
  • Turning Points: This card can indicate important turning points in your life. It suggests that you are at a crossroads and need to make decisions that will impact your future
  • Luck and Fortune: The Wheel of Fortune can symbolize luck and unexpected blessings. It suggests that a stroke of good luck or a positive change may be on the horizon
  • Acceptance: It encourages you to embrace the ebb and flow of life with acceptance and equanimity. You may not always have control over external events, but you can control your response to them
  • Adaptation: The card advises adaptability and flexibility. Just as the wheel turns, circumstances in your life will change, and you must be prepared to adjust your plans and expectations accordingly
  • Spiritual Growth: Some interpretations of this card relate it to spiritual growth and evolution. It implies that the ups and downs of life are part of your soul's journey toward enlightenment
  • Reversed Meaning: When the Wheel of Fortune appears reversed in a Tarot reading, it may suggest delays, setbacks, or unexpected challenges. It reminds you to be cautious in periods of good fortune and patient during difficult times


The Wheel of Fortune is a card that reminds you of the impermanence of life and the continuous cycle of change. It encourages you to accept the changes that come your way with grace and to make the most of the opportunities presented by the turning wheel of fate