tarot card: eight of cups

Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups is a card in the Tarot deck that represents leaving behind the past, emotional growth, and a search for deeper meaning. Here's a detailed breakdown of its meaning:


  • Emotional Departure: The Eight of Cups signifies a period of emotional departure or walking away from something that no longer serves you. It suggests a willingness to leave behind the past, even if it's difficult
  • Spiritual Quest: This card often represents a spiritual or emotional quest for deeper meaning and fulfillment. You may be searching for a more meaningful and authentic life path
  • Leaving Behind the Superficial: It implies a desire to move beyond superficial or material concerns in favor of something more profound. You may be seeking a higher purpose or deeper emotional connections
  • Personal Growth: The Eight of Cups is associated with personal growth and self-discovery. It encourages you to follow your inner calling and prioritize your emotional well-being
  • Journey of Self-Exploration: This card symbolizes a journey of self-exploration and self-discovery. You are willing to explore your emotions and seek greater clarity about your life's direction
  • Letting Go: It suggests the importance of letting go of attachments or situations that are no longer beneficial. Sometimes, growth requires leaving behind what is familiar
  • Reversed Meaning: When the Eight of Cups appears reversed in a Tarot reading, it may indicate a reluctance to let go of the past or a need to address unresolved emotional issues. It encourages you to take the necessary steps to move forward


The Eight of Cups is a card of leaving behind the past and embarking on a journey of emotional and spiritual growth. It signifies the courage to pursue a deeper understanding of yourself and your life's purpose. This card encourages you to follow your heart and seek fulfillment in more meaningful experiences and connections